Environmental issues are forefront for most Canadians these days. Climate change, over flowing landfills, soil, air and water pollution are issuesnagging us to take action. It can be overwhelming sometimes to know where to begin. The Peterborough Wednesday Farmers' Market is a great place to start. Food is one of those things that we make decisions about many times day.What we choose to eat, how it is produced and where it comes from all havean impact on the natural world.
The Peterborough Wednesday Farmer's Market, located in downtown Peterborough, is a unique market, as it is a local producers only market. What does that mean for you the consumer? Well that means that each vendor must ensure that 80 percent of all the products that they sell are produced from their own farm, while the remaining 20 percent can come from off farmas long as it is still regionally produced. By shopping at the Peterborough Wednesday Farmer's Market you can ensure that you reduce the “food miles”associated with the food you eat. When we reduce the distances our foodtravels to get to our table, we significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions our food we produces.Other good, green reasons to check out the Peterborough Wednesday Farmers'Market are:
· Healthy and farm fresh foods produce is picked fresh and brought to the market, often within a day of being harvested! Ecologically grown andorganic produce is also available just ask.
· Support your local agricultural community in developing a secure and healthy food system.
· You can leave your car at home and take the bus, bike or walk to the markets central location.
· Bring your cloth bags and/or support the Peterborough Wednesday Farmers Market by purchasing one at the market and reduce the number of plastic bags being littered, landfilled or even recycled in our community.
· The Peterborough Wednesday Farmer's Market is friendly, filled with vendors that carry a wide range of products from organic produce to localmeats, handmade natural soaps to fresh fruit, gourmet cooking to preserves, potting plants to spun wool, all locally produced. At the market you get to meet the growers, producer, chefs, and crafts people, ask them questions and get connected.
To start the season off in an environmentally sound way, the Peterborough Wednesday Farmers' Market will be giving away 25 Peterborough Wednesday Farmer's Market tote bags to the first 25 customers at the market on our OPENING DAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2ND , 2007. For the remainder of the day these beautiful yet sturdy market bags will be on sale for our opening day priceof $5 each.We hope to see you at the market every Wednesday! It is open from May toOctober, from 8:30 am until 2 pm on Charlotte St. (between George St. andWater St.). For more information contact:P aula Anderson 745-3238 or Lynn Hassen 705-324-9413
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